Welcome to my book blog!

I usually read books that pertain to the Supernatural/Paranormal genre. My blog will include books about vampires, witches, wolves, ghosts, and pretty much any other "not normal" thing. I just read for fun and thought this would be a great way to get my opinion on the so many books that I read, out there for everyone else to see! This is a very informal blog for me. Just my opinions and recommendations!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Sickness Sucks

So I have been increasingly sick over the weekend. Saturday I got car sick going to the cook out, I never get car sick, and Sunday I just didn't feel very good all day and around eleven p.m. I started throwing up. Every time I tried to eat I would get a really bad pain in my stomach, like someone was stabbing me with a knife, and I would throw up. I finally decided to go to the doctor yesterday afternoon. I went to Urgent Care in Springfield but there were so many people there and after an old couple told me that they had been there for over two hours and the only thing they had done was draw blood, I knew I would be better off going to the hospital.

After getting to the hospital and seeing that not many people were there I thought it was going to be fairly quick and I was glad that I didn't stay at Urgent Care. They drew my blood and got vitals done pretty quickly and then I went and sat back down in the waiting room until they called me to go to a room.

The doctor’s thought I had something going on with my gallbladder because I have had several problems with it in the past but haven't had it out yet, so after an IV and Ultrasound added to the blood and urine tests, and about 6 hours later the doctor told me that I had Gastritis caused by H Pylori bacteria. Basically this means the bacteria in my stomach had made the lining of my stomach inflamed and irritated causing it to thin out and if I had not treated it, it would've created an Ulcer in my stomach. I'm glad I went to the hospital when I did because I've heard Ulcers are horrible to deal with!

They put me on an antibiotic, nausea meds, pain meds, and an antacid to help keep the acid in my stomach down so it can heal. I feel a little better today, yesterday I had no strength what so ever, but I hate that I am on a liquid diet until tomorrow. I feel like I'm pretty much starving here! But hopefully by this time tomorrow I will feel more like myself and be able to keep solid food down and not throw them all up!

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